Thursday, October 18, 2012

Running doesn't define me but it helps me define who I am~ 10.18.12

When Washington's 81 day dry spell ended last Thursday, I was actually looking forward to some traditional  fall weather.  You know the cool, cloudy and rainy stuff.

I'd had two great runs on Friday and Saturday and enjoyed the sprinkles but heck  by Sunday I'd had enough of the wet stuff and wanted  clear blue skies and sun to run in again.  I also didn't "feel" like working out so I compromised and lifted weights for an hour sans the run.

Monday was a great day but around 1:00 the Energy Fairy paid me a visit and zapped all of the charm and energy out of me!  Left with absolutely no energy, I started thinking about my run after work.  Hmmm, I knew telling myself that I didn't "want to" run  or making the excuse that I'd do it tomorrow wasn't going to cut it.  For some people tomorrow will never come.

Life is full of choices.......I decided to run my 8 miles as planned.  Somehow during the run, my energy was restored and I was brought back to life again!!!  No matter how tired you are during the day, you can revive yourself with a good workout.  Exercise gives you energy.

Like a lot of folks, my mood and energy level is affected by the change of seasons-less daylight and sun.......cold, dark and gloomy weather.  During the fall and winter I have to work a little harder to be outgoing and maintain a positive attitude.  

Eating well and getting adequate rest helps, but what really benefits me the most is running.

Running doesn't define me but it helps me to define who I am.  As a runner I am able to face my demons and life's challenges head on.  It keeps depression far, far away and my sanity and vanity remain in tact.

SuperTroops,  it's never to late to get with a new program~ a new way of life~ a new way of doing things.  You can lace up your tennis shoes and get to moving today........not tomorrow.  Being mentally, physically and emotionally balanced is the ultimate payoff of working out.

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