Monday, June 25, 2012

Health Hero Profile 6.25.12........The S.S.S ~Sherri Charleston

What is your age and where are you from?
I am 52 years young and am originally from Seattle, Washington

What was your beginning weight?

My beginning weight was 246….my current is approximately 218, with my goal weight being 160.

What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?
My current weight is 218, which I have been for the past couple of months.  My goal is to get to 160.

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?
I’ve always enjoyed fitness, working out, playing sports, but I have never been consistent.  I would work out, lose weight, only to regain it and then some.  That’s the one thing that has been consistent, the cycle of exercise, weight loss, weight gain, exercise, weight loss, then regaining the weight.  What changed that for me is that I was diagnosed with diabetes.  I was on vacation in Atlanta, became extremely ill.  I called my son from the plane and told him that when we landed in Seattle I was going to need to go to the hospital.  He took me to the ER, where I was admitted to the ICU with a blood sugar of 1600!!  Mind you, normal blood sugars are in the 80 – 120 range.  Well, I was in the ICU for a week, and the recovery time was a few weeks.  I decided then, that I would have to do something differently.  I wanted to live for my children and grandchildren.  Plus, I have things I want to do…like play in the sun.  My doctors have told me that if I lose enough weight I may possibly be able to discontinue all my medications.  So I began eating a balanced diet, which means cooking for myself and reducing the fast foods.  I walk a couple times a week, do Zumba 3-4x week, train with Sporty Diva, Rose Coates whenever I can, and just attempt to stay active.

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?
I have never been a pill taker, so supplements are something that I have never taken.  I attempt to eat the right foods so that I obtain all the proper nutrients.  I’ve attempted several types of “training” programs, but have found that aerobic activity at least 5 days a week for at least an hour, is the best method for losing weight for me.  I do lift weights or use bands, but aerobic activity is what assists me with my weight loss.

How'd you lose your weight?
I know it may sound cliché, but I lost the weight through diet and exercise, plain and simple.  I know that the only way that I will continue to lose weight is through diet and exercise…I just have to keep on working on this, one day at a time.  Food is my addiction…well not food, but sugar and fat….I’m addicted, pure and simple.  I finally recognized that I have an addiction and I need to tackle it one day at a time.  I also recognize that relapse is part of recovery, so instead of beating myself up every time I relapse, I just have to get back up and get back on that horse.

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?
I have shared with my friends and family my intention of losing weight.  They have been so supportive, especially my youngest son who is an athlete.  He plays basketball overseas, and when he’s home he assists me with workouts.  My friends provide inspiration when I feel discouraged, let me know when I’m eating things that keep me from losing weight, and are generally just there for me. 

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?
 Well since my journey is not over, I’m sure there will be several other challenges along the way.  However, currently my greatest challenge is to not go back to eating for comfort.  I’ve had some familial stressors recently and for 2 weeks I actually ate like I was insane…hahahaha!!  I mean I ate everything I shouldn’t have, but luckily…I didn’t gain weight.  I’ve gotten myself under control and have started to use many of the other coping strategies in my arsenal.   As I’m completing this questionnaire, I’ve gotten back on track, am eating healthy again, and hopefully will start losing weight again. 

If you have dieted in the past and regained the weight, what did you do differently this time?
I think what’s different is my level of commitment.  I want to change my “LIFE” this time, not just my weight, which is an entirely different level of commitment.

In what ways has your life changed?
I must say that I am so happy with my life, even during stressful times.  I know I can do this now…I actually see myself slim and fit!!  My confidence and self esteem have improved tremendously and it is such an awesome feeling!!  I feel empowered!!

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?
Well, I think I was most proud this past weekend when I was able to make it through a 3 hour mini boot camp and complete all that was requested of me.  This was on the heels of having eaten crazily for the previous 2 weeks, and only walking for exercise.   I was sooooooo proud of myself for making it through that workout!!

What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?Well, I have become a Zumbaholic, so I must get to class at least 3x a week!!  I just bought some Zumba toning sticks which I love!!  I’ve been looking for Zumba wear, and I’ve ordered some online, but they aren’t really meant for us big girls…so will have to lose about 20 more lbs before I can find some that fits…hahahaha!!  Another goal!!  I love all types of music, so I’m planning on incorporating going out dancing with my girlfriends more often!!

Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?
I walk a couple times a week, do Zumba 3-4x week, train with Sporty Diva Rose Coates whenever I can, and just attempt to stay active.

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?

I’m lucky in that I work with Rose Coates Sporty Diva, so I have constant motivation.  She is always so joyous and her positive spirit is infectious!!  I also have so many other people in my life that are supportive of my weight loss and lifestyle goals.

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?

I would just say…never give up, no matter what!!

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?
I think my best life lesson was acceptance of self.  I accept and love myself unconditionally.  I’m over weight now, but this doesn’t have to be my destiny.  This is not what God has in his plan for me and I realize that it’s ok to love myself enough to do what I need for myself.  It doesn’t mean I love my family or friends any less…I just finally love me more!!

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?
Well, my short term goal is to lose at least 30 lbs by November because I’m going on a cruise and need to be bikini ready!!  Well, not really bikini ready, but swimsuit…..hahahah!!.   Additionally, my long term goal is to lose the weight, become fit and then become a Zumba instructor, teaching classes to those 50 and older.
Rosie's Note:
Sherri has a wonderful personality, sense of humor and is a real go getter. Even though she has faced some personal challenges recently, she remains relentless and persistent in her pursuit of an active and healthy lifestyle.  You will make a SSS (Super Sexy and Sofisterated) Zumba instructor Sherri, because you are a tough cookie and a true Sporty Diva Powerhouse! Thanks for being an awesome friend and keep on keepin' on, RR


  1. YOu are such a beautiful person, inside and out!! I LOVE zumba and it helped me rediscover my joy for dancing. I know you will make an awesome zumba instructor for those more mature students. I am almost 72 and am amazed that more of us don't get on the zumba wagon!! You go girl.

    1. Ms. Gordon, you are to do zumba too? Dance on Miss Missy and shake your groove thang! I just biked 12 and ran 1...see ya on Friday, RR
