Monday, June 11, 2012

Health Hero Profile 6.11.12.......Hot Chocolate's in the House!~Carmella Frazier

What is your age and where are you from?
I am 43 years old and I was born and raised in Seattle, WA

What was your beginning weight?
My beginning weight was 196 pounds

What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?
My current weight is 160 pounds and I have maintained that weight for about the past 9 years, give or take 5-10 pounds.

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?
I got really tired of feeling overweight.  I was so frustrated with trying to find clothes that fit and looked nice on me.  I also realized that the extra weight was very unhealthy for me.   I was always tired, and lethargic. I just wanted to feel like I has some energy.

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?
In the past I tried all sorts of different things, slim fast ,diet supplements pills, starvation, fruit only diets, the list goes on and on.

How'd you lose your weight?
Eventually I joined Weight Watchers and I was very successful on that program.  One of the biggest tools for me was learning about portion control.  Also learning to eat until I am satisfied not stuffed.

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?
I did share my success with others because of course people wanted to know what I was doing.  My family and spouse played a huge role in my success by encouraging me to keep going.  My husband helped me with my workouts and we started and still do talk about and plan what we are going to eat for the week.  Planning was a great tool for success.  It's something about knowing what you are going to be eating in advance that helps you feel in control of yourself.

In what ways has your life changed?
I love having energy, I love feeling even more beautiful than I did before, and my most favorite thing is to buy a pair of  size 10 jeans and not have to try them on cause I already know they are going to fit!! I love it!

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?
Staying focused,  and being patient. I learned weight-loss is not going to to happen overnight or in 6 days.  My biggest challenge was staying consistent with the workouts, planning the meals, and continue to believe that I could do this.  I did!  

If you have dieted in the past and regained the weight, what did you do differently this time?
This last time I finally realized that this was not a actual diet, it was going to be a life changing continuous event.  I finally learned that I need to make a complete life change with the way I ate and exercised, and how I thought and felt about food. 

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?
My consistency with my workouts, and my meal planning.  They are total keys to success for me. I ran and walked a half  marathon and it was so uplifting!

 What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?

I must have music when I workout.  It provides energy, and also makes me feel good!.  I also love a nice pair of Yoga pants!  I could wear those everyday and be happy! My favorite must have as far as a meal is a wonderful Cobb salad! I love all the flavors, and I really like that it is a good food choice.
Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?
I love cardio! So at least 5 days a week I am doing some different type of cardio exercises.  My favorite is the stair climber, after an hour on that machine I feel totally rejuvenated

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?-My motivation is waking up everyday and feeling good!
Everyday I want to live my best life!

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?
To just start.  Start something  as far as movement, and getting your eating under control. Start to change the way you look at food, and to think about what food means to you.

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?
Love yourself no matter what. Always be true and honest with yourself about your life.

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?
Long term I just want to stay committed to my weekly workouts, and to continue to push myself  to a higher level. 

Rosie's Note:  Carmella is a wonderful  friend and co-worker.  She is beautiful, outgoing and energetic and is on target with her dedication to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.  Thank you so much Carmella for sharing your journey and for continuing to be an example  and  holding it down.  You are so awesome and I am proud of you, RR

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