Monday, April 16, 2012

Whidbey Island Marathon 4.15.12

It's been 3 years since I've run the Whidbey Island Marathon and my oh my it was an absolutely beautiful and exhilerating day and race.
It was super exciting to meet first time marathoners and hear their stories, Teresa!
The winding hills that would not stop and the beautiful scenery was spectacular and energizing.

I finally remembered to wear my Maniac tank top! I run to be focused, strong, healthy, positive and to reach my goals and it's about putting one foot in front of the other..... it doesn't matter how fast or slow I go so long as I go and I may not be the first to cross the finish line but it's really about believing in myself and others. Running helps me to face the world with a positive attitude and arms wide open to embrace whatever comes my way.

Next up-Pittsburgh Marathon in May, looking forward to seeing family and meeting new friends, whooty whoot!

Have you ever had a dream that was larger than life and it filled you with excitement and took your breath away? I firmly believe we're all born with a purpose.......that there's something that we're supposed to do and accomplish. The world is an absolutely magical place.

My friends dream big, keep the faith and happy training,

Rosie Rose Coates......The Sporty Diva
promoting health and wellness with a philanthropic//pay it forward mission

In an effort is to make Sporty Diva’s mission (promoting health and wellness with a philanthropic//pay it forward mission) more available and accessible to everyone, I've made a commitment to blog about various health and fitness related topics once a week and to include stories about people who have overcome their weight and exercise challenges OR who are in the process of transitioning into a healthier lifestyle.

Are you someone who has lost weight and or are persuing a healthier/active lifestyle and would like to share your story on this blog? Or do you know someone who you are proud of and that inspires people around them to live a healthy lifestyle?

Fill out the questionaire below and email it to me along with some before and after photos.
What is your age and where are you from?

What was your beginning weight?

What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?

How'd you lose your weight?

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?

If you have dieted in the past and regained the weight, what did you do differently this time?

In what ways has your life changed?

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?

What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?

Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?

Do you have any positive quotes you'd like to share?

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?


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