Monday, May 28, 2012

Health Hero Profile 5.28.12........One Day He Just Stopped Eating So Much~Gregg McBride

What is your age and where are you from?
I have lived all over the world. My father was in the Air Force, so we traveled quite a bit. I was born in Germany and have lived and visited places all around the globe (including India, Singapore and even the good ol’ U.S. of A.).

What was your beginning weight?
I made my debut weighing 8 pounds and 6 ounces (at birth). I started putting on excess weight in the first grade and continued to do so through and after college. My all time high was over 450 pounds (I don’t know how much over, as the scale I had at the time wouldn’t register any weight over 450 pounds and instead registered “ERR” for ‘Error’).

What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?
I currently weigh around 175 pounds. I don’t weigh myself anymore. I put too much mental pressure on myself based on whatever number the scale was registering. So I judge whether I’m staying at my goal weight by how my clothes are fitting, my energy level, etc. I have maintained my weight loss for well over a decade.

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?
I had a lot of “Low moments” while overweight (breaking a movie theater seat while on a date, having to ask for seat belt extensions on airplanes and having my scale register “ERR” for ‘Error,’ as mentioned earlier). But it wasn’t until a friend at work glibly suggested that I “Just stop eating so much” that something ‘clicked’ in my head and I began to not only take off the pounds, but also keep them off. (Up to this moment I’d been on diets my entire life and had some success, but would always end up cheating and gain back even more weight than I’d lost.)

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?
I’ve tried all the diets -- the group ones, the crazy ones, the fad ones and the wacky ones. You name it, I’ve tried it.

How'd you lose your weight?
The old fashioned way: Eating less, working out more. I also made sure I was drinking plenty of water as well as getting plenty of sleep. The moments I stopped trying to trick my body, my body responded in kind and I lost over 275 pounds.

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?
I had a habit of always announcing my new diet (usually starting on a Monday morning) to anyone who would listen. But the time that I began the diet that took and kept all the excess weight off, I was more centered and quiet about. It wasn’t long before people noticed I was losing weight and that my clothes were looser, so they would then ask if I was dieting. I would tell them then. But up to that point, I told a precious few people, deciding this time I was going to do it, rather than just talk about it.

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?
There were all sorts of adventures along the way (or weigh, one might say). And certainly there were lots of challenges. I especially had a hard time with social occasions. I could be true to my diet at home, but once out at a party or restaurant, my will power ran low. For a while, I found it was easier to forego the social occasions and just stay true to my eating plan. There were friends who were appalled at this decision. But there were also friends who understood. After some mental struggle, I realized there was nothing wrong with doing what I had to do -- even if some people viewed it as extreme. I liken myself to a racing horse with blinders on. I set a goal and never lost focus of that goal.

If you have dieted in the past and regained the weight, what did you do differently this time?
I wasn’t trying anything wacky, fad-ish or crazy. I was eating healthy foods (from all food groups) and working out regularly. I was doing healthy things for my body, rather than potentially harmful things (like crash dieting, etc.).

In what ways has your life changed?
My life has changed in so many ways. For starters, I no longer run out of breath from just talking on the phone. I also don’t overeat to the point that I would have to lie in bed, holding my stomach, sweating and in terrible pain. But one of the biggest changes is my attitude. I realize that while overweight, I was a somewhat judgmental and even nasty person. I was so paranoid about others seeing my flaw (my huge belly), that I would immediately look for (or even assign) a flaw in them. After losing the weight, I became much more accepting of myself and (thankfully) of others. Looking back on my journey, I realize I’ve lost as much ‘mental weight’ as physical weight.

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?
I remember being able to walk into The Gap (what I considered to be a “Normal sized persons store” at the time) and buying my first pair of normal-sized jeans. Up until then I’d been wearing a Size 60-inch waist pant. When I bought my first 42-inch waist pair of jeans, I swear I could hear the Hallelujah Chorus playing in the background.

What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?
I make sure that my eating and exercise regimes are both balanced and done in moderation. I know that too much of the same thing (be it exercise or food) can lead to boredom. These days if I want some ice cream, I have some. (“Some” being the key word, as opposed to a whole carton or more, like I used to have.) I then make sure I don’t have ice cream for several days. I’ve learned to eat in a balanced way. But I never say, “Never.” In the past, thinking I had to totally cut out certain foods or food groups always led to bingeing as a way of rebellion.

Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?
After years of yo-yo dieting, I have definitely weakened my metabolism. Thus I find I need to workout 7 days a week. Although it’s tough to get up around 4:30am every day of the week (I prefer to workout first thing in the morning), I know that I feel so good when my workout is complete. I always combine cardio with some weight lifting. And then I continue to do some light physical activity throughout the day (walking from the far end of a parking lot, taking the stairs instead of an elevator, etc.)

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?
When I can wear my skinny jeans and not have to think about being in pain when I sit down (or putting an eye out if a button or snap were to pop off), I know I’m having a good day. I love being in shape, being healthy and being in control.

Do you have any positive quotes you'd like to share?
I have found that age-old saying to be true: “Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.”

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?
To be kind to yourself, mentally. Too often us dieters bask ourselves (to others and even inside our own heads). Think about it: Whom would you want to help more? Someone you love? Or someone you hate. The answer is obvious, right? And yet as overweight people, we are very hard on ourselves and often belittle ourselves. Work on positive self-talk and encourage yourself. Love yourself in the moment. You are perfect in this moment. And you’ll be just as perfect after you meet your weight loss goals.

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?
Never give up. No matter how many times you’ve tried to diet and then given up in the past, this next time you try might just be the time you succeed. There’s no shame in trying again and again. You have the power inside you to succeed. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Surround yourself with pictures and words that inspire you, set your goals and then do what you need to in order to achieve them. The payoff is incredible -- and you’ll find that all the work will have been worth it.

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?
I usually don’t assign time limits to my goals, although I always have goals I’m working toward. These days, I work to enjoy the journey to the goals as much as the achievement. Life is about being in and living in the NOW. If we’re happy in this moment, anything and everything is possible.


Gregg's Just Stop Eating So Much! Facebook Fan Page:

Rosie's Note:   Gregg is an author, producer, blogger and motivator!  He's also profiled in Joy Bauer's latest release-  Joy Fit Club Book,  What I find incredible about Gregg is that he never gave up trying to lose weight, he has a terrific sense of humor and his light bulb moment was triggered by five simple words from a co-worker.  It was an absolute joy and blast meeting Gregg in April as a guest on the Today Show with Joy Bauer. Although our meeting was brief, we connected quickly and have been in touch ever since.  I firmly believe that the universe provided the opportunity for us to meet because there's a project that we will join forces and work on together.  We just don't know which one yet!!!!  Gregg, thank you for sharing your story and being a friend, RR.


  1. What a great story! Thanks so much for sharing. It has given me food for calories there:)

  2. Thanks Gordon for reading Gregg's story! It's great that no calories are involved in your "food for thought". Be well and have a super day.
