Monday, May 21, 2012

Health Hero Profile 5.21.12........The Little Old Lady Rocks~ Gordon Miller

What is your age and where are you from?
71 ½. Born on Maui and lived In Hawaii until 25 years ago. Lived in Olympia ever since.

What was your beginning weight? 170 lbs.

What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?

155 lbs. I’ve been working on it for at least 9 years. A very slow process. I had gotten down to 139 but surgery and illness put me on the couch and it crept up again. But am now back on track and losing again.

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?
Grandchildren! Although I have always been active, my weight did not reflect it. My diet was the biggest culprit. When my grandchildren started to arrive I realized that I wanted to be around for a lot longer. So I started my journey in earnest and continue to challenge myself to get betterJ

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?
In my 30’s and 40’s I tried Slimfast products and a low carb diet. It worked mostly because I limited my calories. I was not that active at that time. I never took supplements except for calcium .

How'd you lose your weight?—a free website dedicated to helping people become healthier. I logged my food every day as well as my exercise. I tried to work out at least 3, then 5 times a week. Activity was key.

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?
I did share with a few people, but if they were not on the same track they often would sabotage my efforts. I am happy to say, however, that most of my family is now living more healthily and actively and so it is easier to stay on track. I also found friends to bike with and joined a gym close to the house so that during the winter months, especially, I could get both my physical and social needs met.

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?
One of my biggest challenges is overcoming the debilitating depression that takes over my life sometimes. It becomes hard to move or get motivated. I also crave carbs during these challenges so my diet takes a hit. If I can get myself out the door, it makes a huge difference.

If you have dieted in the past and regained the weight, what did you do differently this time?
This time I don’t let setbacks keep discouraging me from getting up and trying again. The key for me is just getting out the door to exercise, even if it is just a walk around the block. The more I move, the healthier my appetite is. Just weird. I crave healthy foods when I work out. I keep a bike jersey hanging where I can see it to motivate myself. Someday I will look awesome in it!

In what ways has your life changed?
I’m happier and able to do more things that I enjoy. I am able to motivate others to pursue healthier activities also. I have more outlets for exercise and friendship.

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?
An 80 mile bike ride a few years ago. It started with about 20 miles of constant hills. Someday I’ll do it again. Climbing a hard hike that I had not finished in a previous attempt and making it to the top. Every time I top a hill on my bikeJ

What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?
First and foremost: A good fast bike!! Good equipment for whatever activity I am engaged in. Hiking and running shoes. Rain gear, etc. I keep a log of my running and biking miles and routes. I have also begun to use a heart rate monitor to give me a more accurate calorie count for my exercise. Eye opening!! I don’t use music when I am outdoors so that I can remain aware of my surroundings. Plus, I like the sounds of the world around me and it gives me time to think.

Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?
I look for as many opportunities to be active as possible. I bike (my first love), I hike when I can, and I have just started “running”. I belong to a gym and take advantage of the classes –body pump and spinning are the most frequent—and equipment they offer.

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?
I LOVE to be outdoors so any activity that takes me outside motivates me. Although I do make use of the gym on the days when it is nasty outside, it’s the thought of being able to be strong when I bike or hike that keeps me moving. I also feel so much better when I exercise. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Do you have any positive quotes you'd like to share?
My personal favorite when seeing a hill loom in front of me as I’m biking is: I have never met a hill I can’t walk up. I guess you could transpose that to many other challenges too.

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?
Just start. Find supportive people and exercise you enjoy. Log that food!! That was an eye opener for me. Even when you don’t feel like it, tell yourself that you can do just 10 minutes of a stroll through the neighborhood. You will be surprised at how far that “stroll” will take you. Accept where you are right now and love yourself. And one thing I learned from Guerilla Running: “No trash talking, even to yourself. “ A positive attitude is miraculous.

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?
Sadly, I don’t see myself as successful yet. That’s my honest answer. I’d like to sugar coat it but then it wouldn’t be useful, would it? However, I don’t let that stop me from moving forward and working on positive changes.

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?
My short term goals: bike 100 miles, lose 5 pounds, find a way to get organization back into my routine. Sigh.
Long term: Hmmmm. Live healthily and actively until I’m over 100. Learn to love myself.

Rosie's Note:  I met Ms. Gordon at a Diva event last year and she is absolutely incredible and I consider her a true hero and role model.  She lives an active lifestyle, is positive and can bike like it's nobody's business.  We did a biking event together last June and the first question she asked me how many miles could I cover per hour.......huuuhh??  Not a question I was expecting and was at a lost for words....... she had my full attention.  Ms. Gordon is a runner, avid-elite.......heck competitive biker with a good spirit.   Thank you for
showing us all how to get the job done and for reminding us that age is really
just a number and we that we should not use it as an excuse for not being active.  Little Old Lady Who Rocks, you are bad to the bone, xoxo  RR 

p.s.  This month  Ms. Gordon raced in The Rainbow Run.  And she will be running in the Moon Run in July  and biking in the Twin County Bike Ride in June!!!!  Whooty Whoot and tooty toot for you girlfriend!!!



  1. And I'm doing a Rosie run in September (?). And I failed to recognize my biking group all (3) of which are older than I am. Finding friends to enjoy your activity is a real blessing.

  2. Go Ms.Gordon go!! Finding friends who share your passion for biking is a wonderful, wonderful, thing. Friends can make all the difference in a biking session, I am so proud of you and them.
