Monday, August 27, 2012

Health Hero Profile 8.27.12.......Taking the Challenge~Lorri Pierson

What is your age and where are you from?
     45 Bellevue, WA

What was your beginning weight?


What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?
   188 and counting down
     I am in the process of obtaining my goal weight of 130.  I am attempting to reach my goal of losing 5 pounds a month until I reach that goal.  I know it is obtainable.  I am focusing on the ViSalus Sciences products including shakes, proper nutrition, and exercising.  I have substituted two meals a day with the ViShake mix that gives me the health and nutrition I need without empty calories and is easy to on the go meals for my lifestyle.  I also read the book ‘Made to Crave’.  I cannot say enough positive things about this book that gives me the desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment to make that happen. 

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?
For me it was a combination of ‘life’.  I have a personal insurance business that I have had for almost thirteen-years so I work more than fulltime hours.  We have an 11, almost 12-year old daughter who we waited a long time to be blessed by her presence. We have always wanted and participated in her life as the time we have with our children is precious and time passes way too quickly not to want to be a part of their personal transformations as they develop and experience their life and are molded into their own individuals before we let them loose to experience adulthood.  Our daughter is involved in everything at school including honor roll, cheer, volleyball, drama, ASB, and praise band.  I volunteer many hours at school on our PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship), in the classroom as a room parent, and in all her extra activities from taking photos, volunteering at fundraisers, researching everything before spending funds, line referee for volleyball, and so much more I could go on for a whole page.  In all it ends up being about 30+ hours a month (I started keeping track this past year) this is in addition to my fulltime job as Mom and private business owner as well as this does not include the hours assisting her academically which any parent knows these kids do more in school these days than we ever did when my peers were in school.  I am also married, just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary, have two family dogs that require lots of love and affection, and have a home with a large yard of almost a half-acre that we personally maintain without outside services.  With this being said I had made everyone and everything else a priority without focusing on myself for several years.  I did not manage myself well enough to give ‘me’ the time to focus both on my inner as well as outer wellbeing.  I felt my job was as Mom, wife, and business owner.  I previously gave myself sleep as I felt that was all I could manage in my daily routine without being selfish.  Although my husband and daughter have encouraged me for endless years to make and take time for myself that just felt selfish to me. 
  I had been a size 5 when my husband and I met.  I have always had a busy life and through the years particularily after my daughter was born my life just got busier as you read previously.  Add to that I was also dealing with an aging body it was not as easy or convenient to maintain a healthy weight.  Never mind the fact that I was eating whatever I wanted which was obviously unhealthy choices.  As I mentioned earlier I was certainly not making time to exercise.  A friend introduced me to the ViSalus Science program.  An introduction to ViSalus or Body by Vi is you are invited to sample the products which taste good and are healthy.  With this concept I thought I could at least justify getting healthy by adding a shake for breakfast as previously I had either skipped breakfast all together or did the drive-through at a Starbucks for the venti white chocolate mocha.  Even being from the Seattle area I am not a coffee drinker so needed to disguise the flavor with all that added fluff.  The Vi-Shape shakes were good and I could modify them however I wanted as they start at only 90 calories.  I was doing the shakes consistently and noticed a difference in just how I felt overall which was good if not great!  Wow! If I could feel this way with one shake sign me up for the program!  I am now doing the ViSalus two shakes a day program to help me obtain my weight goal.  ViSalus has what is called the 90 day challenge.  The idea is to challenge yourself in small increment goals.  My first 90 day challenge was to transform myself both inside and outside not necessarily the weight only.  The great thing that has happened is I am also losing pounds and inches (it is huge to not only pay attention to the pounds but the inches too).  For the first time in I don’t know how many years I have had my scale out of the closet and a tape measure out.  In my first 55 days on the challenge I have lost 16 pounds and 9 inches.  This is great but I am also feeling the energy I had been lacking and jazzed to do more.  This has got me out walking for the past three weeks on a regular schedule.  I have been consistent in making time for this added bonus.  Just got a pocket pedometer too.  The walks I am either joined by one of my family members where we reconnect or by myself I reconnect with myself in a type of meditation which I am really enjoying.  Now I am learning how to restrategize my life by making myself the priority that I deserve.  I am loving this as I feel that spring in my step as I get ready to take on 46!

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?
   At certain times I picked up a health trend cookbook or subscribed to a healthy cooking magazine.  I would consider watching what I ate with some great recipes that were on the healthier side so I was watching what I would bring into our home and what I would eat.  It would only last a few weeks as the convenience factor did not play in to my daily life.  I was too busy and on the go too frequently so I lost my motivation quickly.  I had not done any supplement programs before.  I never liked the way the products tasted if I ever got around to tasting them at all.  Other times it was the cost of the program that scared me away and I would not justify spending that on myself.  With ViSalus shakes I can mix and go in under two minutes and I also have a travel tumbler when I am on the go.  Fitness if I wasn’t making time to eat right fitness was certainly not part of the equation.

How'd you lose your weight?
   I was introduced to the ViSalus Sciences program late last year by a friend.  We had gone to a shake party to try the ViShakes as this is how they introduce their program as it is all direct marketing.  When I tried the product the first introduction was pleasant and I was intrigued as well as the cost was justifiable.  I became a customer but wasn’t necessarily a program follower as I would have my shakes occasionally rather than daily.  I did start to notice the difference in how I felt including more energy and thinking clearer.  As mentioned previously if I could feel this way with one shake just think how I could feel with their two shake program.  I have been doing the program for 55 days and it is easy for me.  With my lifestyle this is what I needed.  It has given me that jump start and that push.  Another friend introduced me to the book Made to Crave by Lysa Tekeurst.  It is a spiritual book you take so much from the content.  Highly recommend the book as it is on the New York bestseller list.  It gets you in touch with exploring why you eat and the choices you make.  I will be doing a Bible study on Made to Crave in the fall as this has become a nationwide best seller due to the impact it is making to want to make healthy lifestyle changes.  I was invited to do this with yet another friend.  For myself I have mentioned my lifestyle did not fit into my eating habits.  I have done personal transitioning and have done some deep connecting with myself.  Now my eating habits fit into my lifestyle.  I also recently started using the MyFitnessPal a free app on the smart phones.  This lets me track my eating and exercising.  I am seeing how food relates to my daily life and where I can continue to improve.  I need convenience and diversity as I am on the go and don’t want to get bored.

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?
  My husband and daughter have always been my greatest supporters.  It was me not justifying my own personal needs with myself including my body.  Both my husband and daughter are there to make me shakes when I need them and walk with me.  They both encourage me physically and emotionally.  The friends that I have I am actually finding more support with one another as we influence each other in our journeys that are constantly changing.  We all seem to have our own struggles but so many similarities nonetheless.  I believe in the ViSalus Science program that I am sharing openly but not pushing.  However I recently did become a ViSalus Director who now promotes the product too.  For friends who know me the words are normally ‘this is so unlike you’.  So true! I like the idea of sharing this with others as it is easy to try and I didn’t have any original expectations but has definitely made me challenge myself and strive for more so the more the merrier.

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?
    For me I have been working with the Vi-Shape shakes being a main part of my daily diet.  At first I was feeling hungry very soon after I had a shake.  My regional director said ‘then have another shake’.  You can do that? At first it felt like cheating but with only 90 calories in the shake mix it is good for you, filling, and you don’t fill up on those empty calories while you purge on whatever you think sounds good but still leaves the void.  In June we had a lot of parties for graduations, recitals, weddings, etc.  I was having a hard time doing the two shakes a day but I didn’t gain weight which I was thrilled about even though we were eating some rich, delicious gourmet meals.
    Also I was learning to understand why I was making the food choices that I was.  Through the inner journey I have been dealing with some emotions that had been stored up for a lifetime that I am learning to let go of or rest.  This spiritual walk understanding why I eat has been another transition only I could let loose of when I was ready.  The weight loss journey could not have been possible without so many factors.

In what ways has your life changed?
    The biggest change is I feel motivated! I feel challenged! I have a sense of peace that this is something I am doing for myself but also my family.  The Vi-Shakes can be used also to add nutrition to daily meals which is what my husband and daughter do.  I feel like I am setting an important experience before my daughter at 11 when image and confidence is so important and impressionable at her age.  She is learning things with me that I should have known a long time ago.  I never thought I would need to worry about my weight.  This has opened my eyes to exploring so much about being fit in the mind as well as in the body I have.

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?
    Being a role model for my daughter.  Having both my husband and daughter being my biggest cheering fans! Having friends and family members tell me I look great.  Accepting those compliments to heart.
    Having the scale out of my closet after years of being hidden. Moving my belt down 3 notches. 
   Helping to introduce others to a program that has made and continues to make a differenc in my life and they are doing the same.

   What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?
    ViSalus Products (ViShake, ViTrim,  ViPro, ViGo, Neuro, and Nutra-Chocolate Chip Cookies)
   Book Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeust
     My Fitness Pal free app on smart phone
    Omron Pocket Pedometer

Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?
    Right now I am getting myself walking outside whenever I can and on our treadmill if its poor weather or late as safety is always a factor.  The treadmill allows me to multitask as I can read or return emails, but I have found I have enjoyed just walking as it gives my mind time to balance too.  We have our bikes ready for some family trail riding.  I am currently experimenting with some new ideas like Yoga.  I enjoyed it but it kicked my touché which overall that is a good thing.  Have any suggestions?

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?
     I love the way that I am feeling.  It is empowering to want to keep doing more.  I have a new mindset that is challenged and I play to win. 
Do you have any positive quotes you'd like to share?
     “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?
    If you are struggling with weight loss and exercise I think you need to have a conscious mind about the reason you are pursuing the change, is it for yourself or someone else.  The thing about weight is you didn’t gain it all over night so you cannot expect to lose it that quickly either.  Becoming aware of why you are eating is as important as what you are eating.  My parents were going through a nasty separation after 46-years of marriage and there was a lot of turbulence that made me deal with a lot of heartache that I had in childhood that even after years of being away from home at my age was tough to deal with.  I found myself seeking foods for comfort but didn’t realize I was doing this until the pants were too tight and at times I was trading up sizes ‘temporarily’. 
   I think there are things and people that are set forth before you that challenge you to become a better person.  For me this past year I had many, many blessings from the support of my husband and daughter, the ViSalus program, the reading of Made to Crave, and may friends.  I have a great network that is constantly being created.  Everyone needs that positive network whether it be one person or many people.  We may not always want to eat right or exercise but we feel so good both physically and mentally when we do. 
    Set forth small goals, for me its 90 days and checking in with myself every Tuesday.  If you get on the scale every day you will be discouraged and that is not what this is for.  By checking in once a week you can track yourself not only by the pound on the scale but the inches on the measuring tape.  I have learned you need to be consistent when you eat or your body is going to store the fat.  The worst thing you can do is skip meals. I actually look forward to breakfast now.  The simplest thing I recently found was the MyFitnessPal which lets me track calories by food and exercise.  You may not want to pass on that piece of dessert but you don’t have to if you choose the right one and get out there and exercise. 

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?
   You can’t always be THE best, but you can always be YOUR best.  Keys to my success are great family, friends, and my faith.

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?
     Short term goals are to continue on my path of losing 5 pounds per month.  Long term goals are to maintain the weight once I reach my goal weight.  Short and long term goals also include helping others recognize their challenges. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”  Helen Keller.
     Lorri Pierson
Rosie's Note:  Lorri thank you so much for sharing your journey to health and wellness with us and what a treat it was to finally meet you!  I love that you are exploring a variety of exercises and including your family in your activities.   Good job on meditating when you walk by yourself ;D.   Congratulations on your success and for finding, using and promoting/sharing ViSalus a product that you believe in.  Keep the faith, continue to set weekly/monthly goals and remember how beautiful you are, RR.

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