Monday, May 7, 2012

Health Hero Profile ............The Wonderful Elana Barkowitz

Health Hero Profile 5.7.12   (is a profile of an individual who has successfully overcome his or her health and fitness challenges or is actively transitioning into a healthier and active lifestyle).

What is your age and where are you from?
- I am 24 and from Pittsburgh, PA!

What was your beginning weight?
- I've had many "beginning" weights, but the highest I've ever been, which was sadly just about 2 months ago, was 271 lbs.

What is your current weight and how long have you maintained it?
- My current weight is 261 lbs. and I've "maintained" that for a week - I am in the midst of a weight loss journey!

What made you want to lose weight and exercise; was there something specific that happened or was it a combination of things?
- This is a great question. I've struggled with weight my entire life and it wasn't until college that I decided it bothered me enough to change. Somewhat ironically, I am in the health care field and my background is in public health (I have my MPH and I'm a Certified Health Education Specialist). I currently work as a health coach for a prominent hospital and insurance organization, and I LOVE health and wellness. When it comes to making myself a priority, that has always been a challenge. However, I completely believe in "practicing what you preach," and that - plus overall wellness - is what drives me to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

What diets, supplements, and fitness programs have you tried in the past?
- I did Weight Watchers twice (lost 20 lbs. the first time and 30 lbs. the second time - regained both + more wt.). I liked it a lot, but when I started working as a health coach almost a year ago, our weight management program focuses on counting calories. I decided to make the switch and now track my calories on MyFitnessPal. I love it! I do love physical activity, but for me, it has to be fun. I like walking, dancing, kickboxing, and swimming. I've tried to get more into strength training - it's really important! I also started a weight loss study through Pitt a few months ago. The wt. loss intervention is the same as the principles I coach (focusing on tracking calories and physical activity), and I like it a lot so far. I have my own health coach!

How'd you lose your weight?
- What it boils down to is calories in vs. calories out. I track my calories (I try to keep between 1500-1800 kcals/day) and add in physical activity as much as possible.

Did you share your plans with other people? How did your family, friends and co-workers influence and support you?
- Another awesome question! I have been VERY open about losing weight. I work with other lifestyle health coaches who are all of healthy weights. It made me a little self-conscious at first (what would they think about an overweight health coach?!), but they have been nothing but supportive and encouraging. I've never felt judged and I know that they believe I am more than qualified to be a health coach with them. :) My family - who have also had wt. loss issues - is very supportive and we all try to keep each other going. My dad has lost 35 lbs. with Weight Watchers! My friends are great, too. Very supportive, never judging. I will share this with you (and whoever will read this) - I have not made it "known" to my family, friends, and coworkers yet - I have started a blog myself! It's I have found that this is a great way to keep myself accountable and have a documentation of the progress. Some current pictures are up there now!

What were some of the challenges that you experienced on your weight loss journey?
- I'm a very social person, and when I see friends, it usually involves a meal of some sort. Going out to eat can be difficult, and because it happens often, that is for sure my biggest obstacle. I also have a tough time planning my meals (and making them in advance). When I actually do it, I'm great at it and I'm good to go for the week. But if I don't plan ahead, that in and of itself can hurt my weight loss efforts.

If you have dieted in the past and regained the weight, what did you do differently this time?
- This time, I'm not viewing it as something I'm "starting" and "stopping." This is a changing of my relationship with food and physical activity. I want to do things that nourish my body - thinking of food and physical activity in that way has really helped me make some positive choices.

In what ways has your life changed?
- Well, I'm only down 10 lbs., but since I work with people on losing weight every day, I have really come to the realization that small changes lead to big results. Often, we are guilty of having an "all or nothing" attitude. For example, it would be great to work out 5x/week right off the bat. But that may not be realistic, so it's best to make a goal of 1-2x/week. You can always blow that out of the water, but then if you accomplish at least that goal, it's a great feeling and you can only move up from there!

What are some moments-accomplishments that you are most proud of?
- I have been most proud when I have gone "against" the social norm. As I mentioned, I'm a very social person and social events are huge triggers for me! But I have done a great job of not necessarily feeding into (no pun intended) what's expected. For example, our office had a celebration a week ago and we had two large sheet cakes. I love cake - and everyone was eating a piece - but it wasn't "worth it" to me. I successfully passed it up and did NOT feel deprived. When it's worth it, I will have a slice and work it into my day. But just because it's there does not mean I need to indulge!

What are your ultimate "must haves"///favorites: foods, fitness routines, music and training gear?
- I don't have too many must haves! A good pair of walking sneakers, good sport bras, light string cheese, and lots of fruit!

Eating a balanced diet and exercise go hand in hand for permanent weight loss. What do you do for fitness-to stay in shape?
- Currently, I focus on walking and dancing. I would love to try spinning!

What motivates you to stick with your healthy lifestyle?
- Hopes for a future family, matching my personal life with my professional beliefs/practices, feeling better/having more energy, and overall health. I want to be around for awhile!

Do you have any positive quotes you'd like to share?
- This is one of my favorites: "A year from now, you will have wished you started today."

What words of advice can you give to someone who is struggling to lose weight and exercise?
- Behavior change is hard and it is a process. Whether you're losing weight, quitting smoking, managing stress, etc., it is hard to break habits. Focus on small changes and make goals from week to week.

What are your best life lessons and the keys to your success?
- I think that one of the biggest life lessons I've learned is that it's okay to be happy now. For a long time, due to my weight, I had this idea that I wasn't really allowed to be happy or confident. And then one day, I realized that I wasn't really being fair to myself. Was I happy with my lifestyle? No, but that could be changed. In the meantime, I didn't find it fair to not enjoy life or be happy. When I changed my perception, I was able to both alter my lifestyle and still live life to the fullest.

And lastly, do you have any short term (3 months or less) and long term goals?
- Short term: continue w/ my healthy wt. loss of .5-2 lbs. a week! Long term: Would love to get down to 160 lbs. and feel healthy and fit! :)

Follow Elana's progress at:

Rosie's Note:  Elana and I have been communicating via Facebook for about two
years and  we finally met last Saturday at the Pittsburgh Expo and
spent a few hours  together.   I had such a super time visiting with Elana and
getting to know her.  She is beautiful and intelligent and is aware of what will help her to be successful.
Elana, I firmly believe that you will find your healthy balance in regards to wellness in the very near furture.  You are definitely on the right path and please email or phone anytime, your big sis, RR

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