Thursday, September 6, 2012

Straight Talk for Sparkling and Dazzling Divas over 40....Simple Rules to Living a Healthy, Fabulous and Fit Life 9.6.12


A Sparkling and Dazzling Diva over 40 is someone who is beautiful, energetic, positive, confident and is kind and helpful to others.  She is concerned about community issues, and  contributes to help make this world a better place.  A Sparkling and Dazzling Diva is also healthy, fabulous and fit!

Simple Rules on Living a  Healthy, Fabulous and Fit Life~

"Don't ask what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who are alive."  Howard Thurman


~Decide to be happy now.  Don't wait until the day all your bills are paid or  the kids have grown up or  you've lost 50 pounds.  Today is your "someday" so make it count because tomorrow is not promised.

~Share your talents, gifts, skills with people in your community.  When we are able to help others that are in need, we often end up helping ourselves in the process.

~Set goals and begin to accomplish them by taking one step out of your comfort zone.  When you step out of your comfort zone, you'll propel yourself in the direction you want to go.  Take a risk, challenge yourself, learn a new skill.......try something-anything new once in a while.

~Kick Negative Nellies and Energy Vampires to the curb by being picky about the company you keep.  Surround yourself with positive people who have similar intrests and goals as you.

~Become an expert on yourself.........what kind of things do you like to do?  What are your strengths and weaknesses?

~Never settle for something less when you can settle for something more.  Don't short change  yourself, because the way you present yourself to the world is the way the world will perceive you.

~Focus on what matters to you most.........( faith, health, family, work, friends, education, reading, voluteering) and never, ever give up until you get what you want and even then, keep pushing forward on to something else.

~Exercise more and stress less.  Eat as healthy as you can and have "treats" in moderation- don't deprive yourself.   At the beginning of the day as well as at the end of the day, you are responsible for your emotional, physical and mental health. 

~Smile often and laugh a lot. 

~Be happy, grateful, say "thank you" and live life by your own set of rules.

~Be oh so good to yourself, so that you can be good to others.

~Don't just sit there and let life pass you by, go ahead and dream......dream big and develop a plan to make them come true.

~It's okay to reflect on your past once in a while but don't dwell on it cause it's history.  Face the world with arms wide open and focus on better and finer things in life.

~Empower yourself and others.  Believe in yourself and others.   Angels, hope and inspiration are all around us, so keep the faith.

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